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location: Grundschule am Hedernfeld and an der Türkenstraße (closed events)
Thursday, 7th July, 9 am and 11 am
Friday, 8th July, 10 am

Choreography: Jasper Džuki Jelen and Mojra Vogelnik Škerlj | Dancers: Bryan Atmopawiro, Alkis Barbas, Jade van den Hout, Myrthe Marchal | Music composition: Jorg Schellekens | Dramaturgy: Moos van den Broek, Mikaêl Orozco | Costume: Esther Sloots | Photos: Karin Jonkers

It is sport and it is dance.
It is a space and it is a bend. It is jumping and landing
it is falling and getting up again

“Matta Matta” is a performance about safety and risk. Three lose themselves in an adventurous space of gymnastics mats that fit like pieces of a puzzle. This piece was developed specifically for sports halls at schools and toured very successfully through Denmark and Sweden. It can now be seen in the rest of Europe in its longer version and with a new cast.

The Dutch company The100Hands is run by Mojra Vogelnik Škerlj and Jasper Džuki Jelen and is present at THINK BIG! for the second time. Based on dance, architecture, and psychology, it creates physical, interactive performances that always focus on connections: Connection to yourself, to others, and to the environment. The body is seen as a compass that clearly indicates the direction in an encounter between people, as long as you know how to read the signs.

Production: The100Hands

Co-production: Dansstationen (SE) and DansHallerne (DK)

Supported by the Performing Arts Fund and the Municipality of Breda in collaboration with DansBrabant.

location: Grundschule am Hedernfeld and Grundschule an der Türkenstraße (closed events)

Thursday, 7th July, 9 am and 11 am

Friday, 8th July, 10 am


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© 2024 THINKBIG#10

Fokus Tanz | Tanz und Schule e.V.
Kaiserstr. 46

80801 Munich

Organizer: Fokus Tanz I Tanz und Schule e.V. in cooperation with Schauburg - Theater für junges Publikum der Landeshauptstadt München.

THINK BIG! #10 is supported by the Department of Culture of the City of Munich

as part of ACCESS TO DANCE,  with the kind support of the District of Upper Bavaria and the Kulturstiftung der Stadtsparkasse.


The professional exchange is organized in cooperation with perform[d]ance e.V. / Stralsund and is supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

The dance education program is supported by the trust foundation Musik zum Leben under the umbrella of the BürgerStiftung München.

ACCESS TO DANCE is a program for the promotion of contemporary dance,

which is initiated and carried out by an association of various Munich dance organizations and institutions - Tanzbasis e.V.

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We would like to thank all our cooperation partners:

Münchner Kammerspiele, HochX, PATHOS Theater, Muffathalle and T29 dance space.

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