Responsible in the terms of press law
Fokus Tanz | Tanz und Schule e.V.
Kaiserstr. 46
80801 Munich
Phone +49 89 30700238
Fokus Tanz | Tanz und Schule e.V. is a non-profit association.
Executive board Anja Brixle, Dr. Katja Schneider
Entered in the Register of Associations of the Munich Local Court,
Register of Associations No. VR200118
Tax number: 143/222/60246 FA München f. Körperschaften
Festival Team Think Big! #9
Artistic direction Simone Schulte-Aladağ und Andrea Gronemeyer
Artistic production management Miria Wurm (Fokus Tanz) und Toni Müßgens (Schauburg)
Production management Lara Schubert, Michael Hennig, Marie-Lena Wolfram, Elsa Büsing, Tina Meß, Alexandra Schildhauer, Andrea Marton
School mediation Eva Seidl, Simone Lindner und Sabine Lehmann (Schauburg)
Commercial Management Festival Anja Brixle
Collaboration and Editing Gina Neidhardt
Disposition Schauburg Nadja Dietrich
Technical direction Ulli Napp (Fokus Tanz), Tobias Zohner (Schauburg)
Graphics & Web Gyöngyi Lupfer,
Media relations Pfau PR (Fokus Tanz)
Christiane Pfau
089 / 48920 970, mobile 0173 / 9479935
And Schauburg Theatre for Young Audiences of the City of Munich
Kathrin Schäfer, Press and Public Relations
089 / 233 371 64, mobile 0171 / 192 142 9
Ticketing Michael Hennig and Schauburg Box Office