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Reut Shemesh (D)

A dance piece about

youth and uniform

location: Münchner Kammerspiele
Friday, 12th July | 11 am
Saturday, 13th July | 7.30 pm

Finding your own path, your own stance, but not being alone: The happy medium is often a life-threatening high-wire act. What happens to young people when they commit to a group? And how is the sense of community reflected in attitudes, dress codes and rituals?

Together with five professional performers at the age between 25 and 55, the choreographer and artist Reut Shemesh has observed the process of self-discovery and identity development amongst young people. The desire to belong and the group dynamic in young communities often exist in a tension to each other. What kind of identities are created by uniforms, symbols, behaviours, and rituals? How influential is social class?

Esther shows how young people try to find a balance between conformity and individuality. In the research phase of her work, Reut Shemesh already included the target group of the project and worked with young people in Dresden, Munich, Hamburg, and Potsdam.


Reut Shemesh was born in 1982 in Tel Aviv. She studied art, works as a choreographer, and creates experimental films. She has been living and working in Cologne since 2011. Multimedia dance performance is a core aspect of her work, usually in connection with the research for the roots and the heritage of Jewish women’s culture and education. Her work has been given a number of awards.

Concept & choreography: Reut Shemesh | Dance and co-choreography: Juliana Oliveira, Kelvin Kilonzo, Mihyun Ko, Brit Rodemund, Enis Turan | Lighting and stage design: Ronni Shendar | Costume design: Marie Siekmann | Music: Micha Kaplan | Choreographic assistance: Katja Pire | Photos: Jonas Zeidler 

A joint production by fabrik moves Potsdam and Reut Shemesh, in co-production with K3 | Tanzplan Hamburg, Fokus Tanz | Tanz und Schule e.V. München and HELLERAU - Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden as part of the cooperation explore dance - Netzwerk Tanz für junges Publikum. Funded by the Jupiter - Performing Arts for Young Audiences program of the German Federal Cultural Foundation. 

Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. The explore dance network is supported by the Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne

Under the title "Tanz erfahrbar machen", various educational formats for school classes will take place in the context of the festival.

Selected school classes will receive tailor-made dance and movement workshops by dance artists from Fokus Tanz.

Information and inquiries:

Direction: Annerose Schmidt, Daniela Holloch, Simone Lindner

With the kind support of the Stiftung Musik zum Leben unter dem Dach der Bürgerstiftung and the Kulturreferat der LH München.

location: Münchner Kammerspiele

Friday, 12th July | 11 am - with follow-up discussion with the artists 

Saturday, 13th July | 7.30 pm

60 min. | 13+

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© 2024 THINKBIG#10

Fokus Tanz | Tanz und Schule e.V.
Kaiserstr. 46

80801 Munich

Organizer: Fokus Tanz I Tanz und Schule e.V. in cooperation with Schauburg - Theater für junges Publikum der Landeshauptstadt München.

THINK BIG! #10 is supported by the Department of Culture of the City of Munich

as part of ACCESS TO DANCE,  with the kind support of the District of Upper Bavaria and the Kulturstiftung der Stadtsparkasse.


The professional exchange is organized in cooperation with perform[d]ance e.V. / Stralsund and is supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

The dance education program is supported by the trust foundation Musik zum Leben under the umbrella of the BürgerStiftung München.

ACCESS TO DANCE is a program for the promotion of contemporary dance,

which is initiated and carried out by an association of various Munich dance organizations and institutions - Tanzbasis e.V.

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We would like to thank all our cooperation partners:

Münchner Kammerspiele, HochX, PATHOS Theater, Muffathalle and T29 dance space.

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