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Info day for teachers


location: schwere reiter | Theaterfoyer
Wednesday, 10th July | 3 - 6 pm
Free entry

Mobile dance performance, information & exchange over coffee and cake

for teachers and educators

The former school director Anita Bock will give a keynote speech highlighting the current developments in the all-day school and describing new opportunities for introducing cultural projects in the regular school day.


Representatives from Fokus Tanz and Schauburg will report on formats to engage the young audience. What models can Fokus Tanz and Schauburg offer to schools to make dance, play, creativity, and cultural involvement approachable to the young students?


This will be followed by a live performance of the pop up play “Prisma” by the Israeli choreographer Rotem Weissman.


Afterwards, Anita Bock and the representatives from Fokus Tanz and Schauburg will be available to the participants for personal conversations. Amongst the topics are: What does best practice look like in a full school day? How do you develop tailored concepts for your own school?

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