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Paula Rosolen/
Haptic Hide (D)

Beat by Bits

location: Marienplatz | OPEN AIR
Thursday, 11th July | 5.30 pm

What is Techno? “Beat by Bits” is the open air adaptation of “16BIT” (2022) and sees Techno as a social, political, and cultural event. As a transatlantic exchange going back decades, it is an afro-futuristic expression for the black population in Detroit and a symbol of liberation when the Berlin wall fell. “Beat by Bits” does not only reflect upon the past of the genre, but also is a pointed response to the shock of the pandemic and the fragility of our freedom, the collective hypnosis of the togetherness and communication inside in a club. “Beat by Bits” uses the space under the open sky to bring the audience together in the original, truly egalitarian and unifying spirit of techno.


Paula Rosolen/Haptic Hide works have been presented at the Deutsche Tanzplattform, Théâtre de la Ville Paris, Sophiensælen in Berlin, deSingel Arts Campus Antwerp, Theaterfestival Basel, Festival Paris l'été, Espace 1789, HELLERAU - European Centre for the Arts, Tanzhaus NRW, Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm, Schwere Reiter and Muffathalle, among others.

Paula Rosolen studied at the University of Music and Performing Arts Frankfurt and completed a Master in Choreography and Performance at Justus Liebig University in Giessen. She is first prize winner at the international competition Danse Élargie, organized by Théâtre de la Ville in Paris and the Musée de la danse in Rennes
As an author, choreographer and director she created and staged performances at numerous international theatre houses and festivals. Her work has been shown at venues including Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm, Théâtre de la Ville Paris, deSingel Arts Campus, Theaterfestival Basel, Festival Paris l’été, Espace 1789, Tanzhaus NRW, HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts, Schwere Reiter, Staatstheater Darmstadt, Kampnagel, Sophiensæle in Berlin, TD Berlin, Centro Cultural de la Cooperación in Buenos Aires, DPAC Kuala Lumpur, Dance New Air in Tokyo, and many more.
Among her productions are Aerobics! - A Ballet in 3 Acts (2015), selected as outstanding dance production for the German Tanzplattform 2016, Puppets (2016), PUNK‽ (2018), FLAGS (2020), 16BIT (2022) and Beat by Bits (2022).
She has served as guest director at Cologne Opera and she choreographed Orbis (2023) commissioned by Gießen Tanz at Stadtheater Gießen. Rosolen directs Haptic Hide, a company based in Frankfurt am Main and Munich and she is currently exploring choreographic formats connecting visual arts and choreography.
Paula Rosolen has been awarded residencies at Goethe-Institute’s Villa Kamogawa in Kyoto, K3 Center for Choreography in Hamburg, Workspace Brussels, Hessisches Staatsballett and at the Saison Foundation in Tokyo.
She teaches composition, improvisation and repertory at institutions such as Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts, Bilgi University in Istanbul, the Boston Conservatory, the Shikoku Gakuin University, the Monochrome Dance Company in Kyoto (JP), Owl Spot Theatre Tokyo, Kyoto International Dance Workshop Festival and many more.

Original idea, choreography, direction: Paula Rosolen | Concept: Paula Rosolen, J.M. Fiebelkorn | Created with: Daniel Conant, Felipe Faria, Steven Fast, Kyle Patrick, Capucine Schattleitner, Steph Quinci | Dance: Daniel Conant, Felipe Faria, Steven Fast, Kyle Patrick, Capucine Schattleitner, Alizée Duvernois, Amie Jammeh, Anima Henn, Eléonore Bovet, Kino Luque | Music: Nicolas Fehr and Mauro Zannoli, with excerpts from “Where Are You?” by 16 BIT | Costumes: J.M. Fiebelkorn | Sound engieneer: Mauro Zannoli | Production and tour manager: Michael „Beli" Hennig | Distribution: Otto Productions

Beat by Bits - An open-air version of 16BIT, is supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK - STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR funding program for the Dance Initiative. With the kind support of Kulturveren Familie Montez e.V, MOMEM - Museum of Modern Electronic Music and Dr. Thomas Dürbeck. Beat By Bits is based on 16BIT, produced by Paula Rosolen/ Haptic Hide in co-production with Künstlerhaus Mousonturm as part of Tanzplattform Rhein-Main and CCN- Ballet National de Marseille as part of Accueil Studio / Ministère de la Culture. Supported by the Cultural Department of the City of Munich and the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art. With the kind support of Tanzbüro München, Tanztendenz München e.V. and schwere reiter tanz. Paula Rosolen/Haptic Hide is supported by the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main. 

location: Marienplatz | OPEN AIR

Thursday, 11th July | 5.30 pm

ca. 40 min. 

Free entry

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